Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Skating into Christmas

I got an early Christmas present this year: hockey skates. And I have been wearing myself out learning how to use them. Niwt has been showing me around town getting me acquainted with the local hockey rinks (outside in our freezing and below freezing temps) and the local frozen ponds I had no knowledge of. We were all quite sick of being cooped up inside with cold air and no new snow, so we headed out several times to my new favorite winter location: Westchester Lagoon. We drug along my girl, Fitz, and part of her dog herd. Above is the superstar of every day, KC. So far Fitz has been afraid to introduce us to her lab who sounds like Percy on PCP. KC is a darling border collie (be still my heart) with three legs. 5 dogs, 2 balls, 3 humans : KC maintained control of one ball at all times!

Fitz and Niwt were left with one ball and four dogs while I took pictures. You might think hitting that big squishy ball with a hockey stick would be easier than hitting a little hockey puck...but you would be wrong. The darn thing is so squishy you get no purchase on it unless you swing so hard your chest muscles hurt for the next three weeks.

Added bonus: it doesn't seem to matter what time of day we head out there, the dogs are great off leash. Yay for the influence of a three legged border collie and a big golden retriever. We will continue to enjoy the sunshine since we can't enjoy the temperatures. Hope you all had a super merry Christmas and plans for a splendiferous new year.

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