Thursday, February 13, 2014

Longer Days

Yesterday when I walked out of work, a little after 5 (maybe even 5:30), this was the view that greated me.  It actually stopped me in my tracks and made me wish I had backed in to my parking space so I could stare at the sky while my car warmed up.  Usually the cold air hits me and I see a row of cars in the dark that have been autostarted from inside the building and I have autostart envy.  I just put on warmer clothes and don't forget my hat and gloves now.  Plus I listen to the radio, which is nice because my drive is so short that I would otherwise get 5 minutes of news each day. 

We got a tiny dusting of tiny snowflakes last night.  I doubt it registers anything other than 'trace' on any measuring system.  But it made me hopeful for improved conditions for my Saturday morning plans on the mountain with my dog and other fellow crazy dog people.  It will be a nice break from running, swimming, and yoga workouts.  And the big dog will be a little tired.  Maybe. 

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