Wednesday, April 9, 2014

New Digs

Been a little busy ... moving....with a sprained thumb.  Simple skiing fall, but it is truly amazing how much stuff you need your thumb for.  It's been interesting and has resulted in bruising of my arm from trying to substitute that for the thumb grasping ability I'm missing.  And I might have a large shelf destined for the top floor studio (instead of vice room) stuck on the bottom floor.  In the stairway.  With a broken light fixture.  Maybe.  Don't ask.

The dogs and big white cat love the new place.  Frog especially likes the acoustics of the stairwell for 'singing the song of his people' at 2am.  I'm hoping to find enough clean socks to get me through the week without raising too many eyebrows about my work outfits.  And I'm hoping to find my running shoes so I can resume training for triathlon.  But really, since we have had winter decide to hang on a little longer I wish I could get to my skis and find my ski boots.

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