Thursday, April 16, 2015

March Madness

I recently discovered it was April.  And it made me realize I have no idea what happened to March.  So I looked back at my calendar and in my photos to see what it was all about.  Here is a sampling of what I found.....

The leader, for many years, of the organization who pays me money, retired.  I feel lucky to have known her as much as I have and honored that she ever remembered my name when I happened to be in the elevator, in a meeting, or in a village with her.  It was an honor to even be invited to attend her retirement dinner.  Where we got to hear many stories of her career from many different viewpoints.
Well done Marie.

We finally made it to WA for our 'winter' trip home.  And right before we left we found out the house (duplex) we live in and that our friends who live next door own, was for sale.  I hold nothing against them.  We just weren't really planning to buy a house for at least another year.  So we went to the bank and we got a number and we went shopping.  And we put an offer in on the lowest priced place we could find. 

While we were down visiting the family our offer was accepted.  We had a lovely time with his family, including seeing his niece and going for a walk in the wetlands.  She's very pregnant so it wasn't a long or strenuous walk.  

While there we celebrated 6 months of blissful (not boring) marriage with another installment of the Manhattan project.  At a dive bar that used to be his local.  Near his uncle's house.  Unless I messed up the family tree again.  We also saw my mom and sister, though somehow I don't have any pictures.  And I finally met my mom's new (old, new again, it's complicated) boyfriend.  He's very nice.  

And then, the climax of the trip.....finally, after too many trips where this got pushed off the list, we got to visit 2bar.  Galt was there to great us.  So was some yummy liquid.  Oh, and so was Nate, eventually.  We didn't get to see the amazing Marissa or any of the rest of their clan, but at least I have now seen the distillery.  And I have a big bottle of bourbon.  

Then it was home to the bleak-no-snow-winter again.  View from my downtown office window.  Normally this is a snowshoe golf event they host.  Never observed the annual event before.  It includes a sub-event of spear throwing and shooting.  In the park.  Downtown.  I love Alaska!

My friend with the cute (huge) baby that I keep making presents for brought me eggs.  Because he has chickens.  And they lay eggs.  Always better than store bought.  Mmmmm.....  I thought about having chickens when I lived in PDX.  

Guess what else was in March??  SKI TRAIN!!!  It was cold.  And there was very little snow.  Ten minutes of skiing and Tatonka had sliced both ankles.  We bandaged him up and he hung out in the train until the snow softened up so he could work a moc problem.  

He loves to work.  We hung out as long as possible outside while the drunks were all rounded up and counted.  Which makes us a prime target for media interactions.  

Luckily we were soon apprehended by the volunteer organizer and had to be shuttled back onto the train for the journey back to Anchorage.  Since I kenneled him for the journey it was the first year I was able to get a shirt.  It also helps that I finally remembered to bring cash.  

The ride back usually allows for this view - a reminder of all that lies to the north.  It looks so close, and it is by Alaska standards, but it's still a ways away.  

And then I ran into this picture on my camera and I remembered what happened to the rest of the month....I got a new road bike.  My first big decision was new road shoes and clips.  Then saddle, and tweaking the fit.  Despite the patches of ice and copious amounts of gravel still present on the trails, we have been out.  A lot.  And then had to buy a new wheel for his bike because he slipped on the ice in the tunnel.  Walking through the tunnel that is.  

And the house....was supposed to close yesterday.  Latest word is tomorrow or Monday.  Then it's 60 days of renovation before we move in.  It's on the far side of 'fixer upper'.  More like a 'tear it back to the studs' and redo the HVAC and wiring and insulation.  Saying it's a project just scratches the surface.  I'll take pics.  

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