Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quick Jaunt

I love when life gets so busy.  No, really, it's great.  Then I really appreciate it when it slows down a little.  It gives me time to find posts I started a year and a half ago on my blog and then stopped working on.  Like this one.  I know these are photos from north of here and I think they are from a trip up to the land.  But they could also be from the move from the island.  Either way, they show part of Alaska on the road system in the spring.  Maybe even from before I started school.  I think I have only been up to the land once since I started school.  I got a little busy. 

The other fun part - I have no idea where this post will appear on my blog, so it will be a little experiment.  Will it appear with the posting date or the initial draft date?

I will never get tired of looking at these mountains.  I see them and I want to go play in them.  I want to see the view from the top looking back over towards other peaks I have climbed and pointing them out.

Maybe it's from an ice climbing trip to the Matanuska glacier.......  who knows! 

Friday, April 10, 2009

Back to Wilderness Work

It's time for life consuming wilderness work. We're done with avalanche training for the season, except for helping a couple folks test for certification. So far Tatonka is all about being spastic in the woods. Here he's trying to cheat and 'find' the folks who walked into the woods with us.

Luckily he quickly returns to work. He loves walking in the woods.

Now we just have to get him to not hang out with the subject and not alert by running into my legs and giving a half effort jaw flap instead of a nice loud bark on the return

Friday, April 3, 2009

Mmmmmm, Smells Like....Ash

I decided to wait for a couple weeks after I got the bandages off to take this picture. Mostly this is so Mom wouldn't be too grossed out. It's really not that bad. And I have physical therapy twice a week and do everything she tells me to.

Here's my assortmenet of tools I get to work with every day. I think the people at my office are getting used to this. Looks like fun, doesn't it?
In other news: last weekend Smokey and I went to see friends from the island who now live less than two hours from us. And there was an avalanche and the ash finally hit Anchorage. Perhaps we should never leave town? We had a glorious time helping take merchandise to the new quilt shop she is opening and Smokey went ice fishing and was almost eaten by....a Rotti. Luckily he fed it some bait and it let him live. Upon our return to our lovely little apartment we discovered that it smelled like ash, but all the ash had been blown away outside.
I took three of my four pets to the vet in the last two weeks. Last Friday I went for a run after work and Percy peed every 50 feet. We delayed our departure so I could get her into the vet for some anibiotics. Everyone is fine now. Note: if your hand is in a brace because you broke your finger and your boyfriend will be out of town, do not schedule your pets for vet visits, even if their shots are due.
I trained with Tatonka on Tuesday. I went prepared to take pictures for you all. Alas, I was thwarted. A fellow search trainer and I were witness to a couple drunk girls fishtailing through the parking lot and nearly mowing down a family of four and a father and son. Luckily they only hit a parked car, the one next to us. We got the plate and she called it in and they caught them. Yay, justice! Sometimes the system does work. Then we got to talk to the nice officers, one of whom lives down the street from me. We did get to work our dogs, but hers reopened a wound and will be taking a short break from training. Bummer, I like training with her.
It's alternating snowing and melting outside. This morning I had to take Smokey's truck since mine was frozen to my parking spot. No, I'm not kidding. I refuse to go run in a gym. I will be able to swim and maybe bike in 1.5 weeks. That leaves me about 6 weeks to get up to speed for a triathlon I just registered for. Between the weather and the hand I'm about climbing the walls....except that I won't be able to climb for a year.