Monday, March 3, 2014

Dog Days of Winter

It's been a really long winter here.  The snow has been slow and low to fall on us.  So we have taken to some alternative forms of entertainment.  Including some indoor fun with cameras.  It's not just the humans climbing the walls.  The dogs are too.  The ski-jor harnesses are still packed in the totes.

This means that after you have run around the dog park for the millionth time and no one has broken anything on the ice you enjoy some quality time hanging out inside.  And then the sun comes out again and the temperatures drop and that layer of water on the lagoon freezes again and you go ice skating.  Or you suck it up and ride the lifts with the big dog and do a few slow laps on the frozen mountain side.  And you tell yourself it could be worse. Even though you know a little more every day that the good runs are not going to get enough snow to open this year and those great backcountry destinations you have waited four years to be done with grad school to have the freedom to tackle in the spring will not be very realistic to take your skis to.  Unless you just like to hike with skis.  Which my thesis field work might lead you to believe.  

I still love winter.  And snow.