No, Mom, this is not a post about me. A few weeks ago I was following my normalish morning routine and I made one change which made me roll my eyes but seconds later made me grateful. I let Tatonka outside (Percy abandoned me for Niwt after dinner) and I told him to go pee so he could have breakfast. That made me roll my eyes because 'breakfast' and 'dinner' are part of dog vocabulary around here. I realized that having said this to him as I was closing the door meant I had only bought myself a few moments of peace from his morning exuberance. I walked into the kitchen and petted Frog. It took me a couple blinks to realize I had an extra animal outside. Luckily when I ran back to the front door to retrieve my retriever he was waiting for 'breakfast' right outside the door. Never been so thankful for his appetite ever before. I had to quickly sneak outside and tell Niwt to keep Percy inside; she has a more volatile and unpredictable reaction to moose. Now I check the yard every morning to see if I have a moose bedded down there before I release the hounds.