Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Spring Adventures 2012

 Where I come from June is the start of summer, so I must be having summer now and April and May were Spring, which you can see clearly in these photos.  While I don't get out much I did take a short road trip up to see my land.  I haven't been up there in a couple years so it was nice to remember what I am paying for every month.

 The dogs had a lovely time.  The snow was deep and unexpectedly punchy.  See the wet knee of my jeans?  Every few steps of surface walking you would suddenly plunge up to your thigh in snow.  I'm not even really sure my foot was even on the ground then.

I bought a new blanket for my bed.  Not very exciting, I know, but the cats loved it and it easily navigates my washing machine every week. 

 A couple weeks ago I headed down to Seward with a couple friends for the weekend.  I was very determined to get my sea kayak in the water as I sat out the last two summers.  I had to clean the cobwebs and dust off when I lowered it off the rafters!  Hoping to get down there again soon, maybe even this weekend!  The paddling was the, I'm not kidding.  The cats had a great time at the cabin, Frog slept the weekend away, trying out a new location every few hours, while Bear preferred to stay in the cat bed by the heater.  Rough life.

 I also made another trip up to Kotzebue for a workshop.  This shot is from the air at departure.  Lots of daylight, and lots of ice still.

 Lots of daylight and 40,000 feet means you get to see Denali on the evening jet home.

 From the hotel, that's not Russia.

The very fancy hotel room that makes you feel like you aren't in Kotzebue.  That's about it for my spring, with the exception of lots of bike rides, yoga, running, dog training, and thesis writing.  I guess I technically got out twice in my lake kayak too.  Both times were short paddles, but the second was longer.  And the dogs weren't quite as hypothermic.