So I have this list. I've been working through it all my life it seems. The magical 'to do' list. I spent four years adding to it and rarely removing anything from it, even 'sleep'. And then, in April, freedom. It was daunting. Where to start. How to prioritize a list that long? I started outside. And never looked back. I played with the dogs at the rocky beach in Seward.
I played in the yard with the cat. I even rescued him when he fell in. I played in the garden. Lots of experimenting this year.
And I petted this cat. She owns my soul. I listen when she yells at me. I went to work a lot and traveled a lot. And I rode my bike and paddled my boat and ran on some trails. Autumn arrived. My pace picked up. I built a kayak. My sister got married. I got a cold. Two weeks later I got well.....for one day. Two weeks later I feel mostly better again. Sunday the snow came. And I started to pick up speed on my list. Today we have 5 minutes less daylight than yesterday. Which brings us down to less than 7 1/2 or so hours a day. I'm still picking up speed on that list. Organizing my photos is down near the bottom, right above ordering Christmas cards. See, I found some logic. The timeline may be a little blurry, but there are a ton of pictures and stories to share. So you'll get them as they come. Because Bearcat says so. She also says to check out Tundra Home Companion if you want to read about village visits.