Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Hi.  Yeah, a little unplanned blogging sabbatical.  Without any warning.  Sorry about that.  But the revival is here and if you are too then thanks for sticking around and welcome back.  I can’t even remember the number of times I sat down to blog; the number of blog posts I wrote in my head – in the shower, in bed, on my bike, on an airplane, on a dog walk, washing the dishes….I think you get the picture.  Like most modern day humans – I have been busy.  A brief summary: yoga teacher training, master gardener course, dog group, work, play, travel, home, husband, and of course the daily adventure of living in Alaska. 

First, the yoga.  This wasn’t really on my radar. At all.  But I stumbled into the opportunity in pursuit of master gardener training (wait listed).  A couple who are both teachers and owned the studio I attended sporadically while I was in grad school and lived in mid-town decided to teach one more teacher training before they moved out of state.  The original dates were in the autumn and I knew I couldn’t fit it in my schedule.  And then my sweet cat got sick.   That’s another post entirely (Loving Fiercely. And Learning).  By the time I lost him it was mid December and I was spent, by all measurements.  Then the dates of the teacher training changed to start in January.  The pieces fell into place and I found myself in awe in a class of amazing people.  Time flew by, mostly.  For nearly every other weekend from mid January to mid May I spent Friday evenings, Saturday days and Sunday days cramming my head with yoga and all things yoga related.  And then there was the homework and the physical aspect.  It was an amazing experience.  I still have more work to do before I can hang out my own shingle or work for most studios. 

Next, the master gardener.  I have tried to take this course a couple times and it’s always at a horrible time – great if you are retired or maybe a stay at home mom, but pretty much horrible for anyone else.  It was an interesting experience.  I can't say that I could recommend the Alaska version to anyone.  Unless you perhaps know absolutely nothing about gardening.  At all.  And you perhaps have done no online research or read a single gardening book.  I completed the course, because that's how I am and I did learn a few nuggets of information and I'm excited to continue working the yard into edible shape.  

The rest is really just the slow fun progression of life.  Tonka is still working and loving it (at 11 1/2 years old!!).  The girls still alternate loving and hating each other.  The man is still working hard and succeeding as an owner of multiple businesses.  The economy is declining here and I work less at science and more at marketing.  I play outside every day.  Every day.  Because I love it and it makes me smile.  I travel whenever I can (Costa Rica last January).  And the house.....progresses......slowly.....but surely....and I love it every day.  Don't worry, I have some pictures to show what we have been up to.  I keep sorting stuff and donating (no one needs four whisks - four!!) and putting some stuff in the camper van.  Oh yeah, we got a camper van.  It's fun and all the dogs and our gear can get out for a weekend adventure and have a place to be out of the weather and bugs.  There is work at the shop too, a project I call the build out and the man calls the mezzanine.  It's the creation of an enclosed space for a micro yoga studio for me (when I'm not out skiing, biking, running, boating, etc.) and drum/music for him (because I keep my music toys at the house).  We also store all our 'stuff' (read: crap) up top until it's needed or can be moved into finished space at the house (out of season gear and furniture).  There, now you are all caught up and we can proceed.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Loving Fiercely. And Learning.

December 12, 2015 ~10am snow finally came to Anchorage and frogcat left me

In the words of a friend of mine - His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead.

I had to just take a break for a while.  I'm back now.  Here are some picture of my sweet boy who I have missed every day for over a year.  It has been the first year of my life with no cat (that I can remember) to boss me around.  Yes, it has been odd.  

Frog was a special boy - I mean that in the biological way - he had glaucoma and a cataract in one eye when I found him.  The eye specialist was thrilled because he had seen very few cases of this in his many years of research and as a practicing vet.  Boy did I feel special!  

Then he got kidney disease at a very young age.  Great, more special!  And he ended special too - he survived years of kidney disease (thanks to my awesome vet and vigilant daily observation and medication) to die from a brain tumor.  So special that the staff know me by name and his vet made a donation in his name for research on his many challenges.  The special just never stopped.  Kind of like that Chinese curse - may you live in interesting times.....

As with most pets in my life the lessons were many - how to love fiercely, despite biological challenges, and how to observe and trust my gut instinct - and so many more.  
Peace as white as snow be with you.