I started a second job a few weeks ago, something I haven't done in many years. I've had more than six months to asses the need and scope out options. When I discovered my local tap room was hiring it was a no brainer. They brew great beer, are a five minute bike ride from my house, have fueled most of the house remodel, and close at 8pm.
So this is where I hang out most Fridays, Saturdays, and sometimes Wednesdays. There are board and card games and a record player. I'm totally unpacking my records and bringing them in to play. Plus when it's slow I can knit or read. I also picked up a couple yoga classes where I have been subbing. Both places are cool and open to suggestions. But after a couple weeks I realized I really do have to pay a dog walker for the labs because the shifts are too long for them to just hang out at home. And the brewer is allergic to dogs. Plus Percy is really good at giving me this look when I try to leave. And despite the not very summery weather of late it's often too warm in a car for an all day dog chill session.