Friday, September 10, 2010


I think you can officially say we might be having an Indian Summer here. In August I could refer to the one day of sun in July and people could recall exactly where there were like it was the day an important event happened. I for one was boating on Eklutna Lake, but have no photos because the camera was stolen.

Since then we have had several sunny days or at least afternoons and I took to storing my boat with NIWTs at his dad's house on a lake in town. It's sunny this afternoon just like last Friday when we last paddled. I even finally got Percy a life jacket that fits and she is slowly getting used to swimming longer and longer.

The goal is to ultimately get them to both be able to swim along while I paddle. So far she can handle about 15 minutes, so this might be a really long process.

Like many of my friends and fellow bloggers, I've got lots of pictures and adventures to tell you all about, but as my Dad says, "you have to make hay while the sun shines" and it is sunny here today. But I'll give you one little hint about the next post: one of the dogs above is an official SAR dog as of today!

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