Friday, November 26, 2010

Tofurkey Day

After three days of ice, cancelled classes and falling on my but in the driveway, I woke up yesterday morning to this. The rain turned to snow overnight and there was a moose across the street. It was originally bedded down under the tree, but by the time I found the camera and charged the battery it was up and having breakfast. I was too slow to catch more than the butt of the baby's Mom passing next to the front fence. REAL OBSERVANT, I am. Filling in the gaps here for you, this means the Mom was about 10 feet from me when I took this.

This morning I was all about getting to school and tackling my mound of homework. I was a little delayed in reaching the school though. First: shovel the driveway. Next: find the lock de-icer in the toolbox in the house (locking the front door behind me for the second time). Then: bang on door to try to dislodge ice. Next: boil water and call Mom to see how her Thanksgiving went. Poor boiling water along door frame. Return kettle to kitchen (locking door behind me again). Pry open door. Start truck. Shovel snow off truck. Help Niwt's mom carry Thanksgiving leftovers to her car. Stand bewildered and look at hand with windshield wiper blade in it after clearing snow from windshield. Examine other blade to see how to reattach this one. Return to kitchen and boil more water. Pour water over blades to clear out ice. Return kettle to kitchen (locking front door again....). Spend next 15 minutes trying to reattach blade. Seriously consider having hissy fit. Remember that grad school program director lives on next block over and frequents the outside street on his way to the park. Finally get blade on. Return to house to go pee because the coffee I drank two hours ago is done being in my body now (lock front door again). Hope truck does not run out of gas on the way to the gas station.

Other fun activities this week: helping Niwt stack wood. Green wood...... though not as difficult to burn as the newspaper in my house (in OR) last weekend, still no real winner. But it was free.

The winter wonderland that is the yard and park beyond. I pre-paid for my Thanksgiving overeating by going for a run with the dogs yesterday before eating. No tofurkey this year. I saw one in the store last week, but the town was sold out by the time I got around to trying to buy one. So I ate extra pie to make up for the calorie deficit.


Sorry folks, but I refuse to tell you how Thanksgiving went without first telling you about Halloween. Or as I call it around these beasts: Howloween. I know, not original or anything, but it makes me smile, so it stays. Guess what was in the tradition with a twist...aka donuts! True to our family tradition, I had donuts and tree top apple juice. But this year I got donuts with frosting and sprinkles, not just powdered sugar ones, but fresh ones! And I warmed up and spiced the apple juice. Also, Smokey and I were treated to 9 trick-or-treaters. I know, huge. I bet they come back next year and bring all their friends though. We gave out full size kit kat bars Smokey had left over from a hunting trip.

The beasts celebrated after glacier ice worm hunting and before trick or treaters arrived. They got locked in the back room with their toys and had to entertain themselves.

Judging by how quickly Tatonka absconded with both the pumpkin head and the purple people eater, Percy's joy may have been short lived.

....Percy is really good at tug of war though, so don't feel too sorry for her.