Sorry folks, but I refuse to tell you how Thanksgiving went without first telling you about Halloween. Or as I call it around these beasts: Howloween. I know, not original or anything, but it makes me smile, so it stays. Guess what was in the bag.....family tradition with a twist...aka donuts! True to our family tradition, I had donuts and tree top apple juice. But this year I got donuts with frosting and sprinkles, not just powdered sugar ones, but fresh ones! And I warmed up and spiced the apple juice. Also, Smokey and I were treated to 9 trick-or-treaters. I know, huge. I bet they come back next year and bring all their friends though. We gave out full size kit kat bars Smokey had left over from a hunting trip.

The beasts celebrated after glacier ice worm hunting and before trick or treaters arrived. They got locked in the back room with their toys and had to entertain themselves.

Judging by how quickly Tatonka absconded with both the pumpkin head and the purple people eater, Percy's joy may have been short lived.

....Percy is really good at tug of war though, so don't feel too sorry for her.
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