Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Snowless winter

This is March last year, a little more than 11 months ago.  I can't give you a comparison shot of this year because I haven't bothered to get out in the backcountry.  At all.  In fact, I have only been down to the resort once.  It's been closed a lot.  I didn't even know that was possible. 

I have taken to cutting out paper snowflakes and hanging them on my cube wall next to pictures of snow crystals.  I think I will put off learning how to telemark ski.  But I'm determined to go skate skiing.  Ice skating is good now that's below freezing again.  And running and swimming aren't too bad.  But biking is only good off the trails.  It turns out the snow eventually forms footprint depressions and then turns to ice.  Very bumpy for biking on. 

I'm so desperate that I am actually considering moving my workout back to the mountain and just skiing the ice covered groomed trails.  I hear tomorrow is the decision day for the Iditarod start location.  Did you know that sometimes they move the start to Fairbanks?  I just learned that today.  Two more fun facts: we finally have more than 8 hours/day of daylight (gained more than 5 minutes today!) and the clear sky allows for some fantastic star and planet viewing.  If you can handle the cold. 

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