Thursday, May 7, 2009

Please Pardon My Absence....

.....but it's spring in Alaska and we have more glorious hours of daylight every day than I have waking hours!! I'm pretty sure we aren't going to get a foot of snow in May like we did last year. I've been out playing as much as possible and I'm loving the sunshine. The grass is still more brown than green and buds are just starting to show on most plants, but we had rain yesterday and more sun today, so this could very well be the day that tips the balance in favor of green.

The studs are off my bike, curtosy of Smokey before he headed south, and I have been riding to work and hitting the trails after work too. When I'm not out running or training my big black dog. And then there's the early morning swims and the working too many hours.

And my USB ports on my work computer aren't working. None of them. There are 6, it's a little pathetic. All because our IT lady tried to make the ones on the screens work for me. You know, make it easier than using the ones on my box. I've had no working USB ports for weeks now. You would think me referring all my USB needs to her would help the process along, but it hasn't. Perhaps I'll try bribery next.

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