Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Growing Music

Smokey was gone again for a week or so earlier this month. And now we have another plant. Our plant accumulation rate has become rather high. I have a large collection at work and I'm starting a new job next week that does not have the same window exposure, so I think some may come home with me.

In other news, I was lucky enough to be offered a mandolin to borrow from a co-worker. While I have played many musical instruments in my life, I have never played a string instrument (except technically the piano). I printed off some free info from Folk of the Woods and found an intro book at Title Wave for three bucks. So I've been plucking away in the evenings for a few minutes, learning chords right and left. I'm calling it physical therapy because several of the chords I can't make happen without physical manipulation of my finger. And then I have to play fast before it moves.

Superbowl Sunday

Since I stopped working at the sports bar I don't get much exposure to sports events. I barely even knew the big day for football was upon us. I happened to be at the pet store and picked up a couple new toys for the dogs to celebrate the occasion. Percy got a new fluffy football...

...and the big dog got a yellow chick, both with squeakers.

Apparently Percy thought both toys should be hers, so she remedied the situation. Luckily she isn't too good at hoarding and Tatonka was able to commendere the football. I think there's a name for that move in football....maybe a fumble or a recovery?

I know there's no name for this move in football, unless you count it as a referee replay review?

Ultimately Bear found the whole activity not worthy of her attention and time. And Percy destroyed the chick. A good way to celebrate game day, just don't ask me who won.