A lot has happened since the end of the semester and a lot happened during the semester that I meant to write about, but the details of life kind of got away from me. So an update on major issues will have to hold you over for now.
-I have moved
-I have another new job
-I'm still in grad school and I'm taking classes this summer
-Tatonka has started his certification series for SAR
-I ride my bike to work almost every day
-My truck is making a funny noise that I am denying knowledge of because I think it's the water pump and I don't feel like replacing that again right now
-I got my house appraised in PDX
-My house is worth a tiny more than I owe on it
-Other than Tatonka mysteriously missing 1.5 teeth the pets appear to all be healthy, but we'll know more after finally getting them to the vet next week for their overdue annual exams
-Alaskan summers are not sunny
-If you buy your dogs 'disposable' toys to keep them busy while you finish painting and unpacking at your new place, they will still have them intact a week later. What am I going to do with the other two flamingos?
-I need a new computer at home
That is all for now. I have to go try on my flame retardant clothing for my trip to the north slope this week.
You live in Alaska. You are going to a place called the "north slope", which I presume is even further North than you currently are. You are going to go try on your..... flame retardant clothing? :-/
Is global warming getting really that bad?! :-O
Very funny JJ. Yes, the north slope is more north than Anchorage. It's where the big multi-national companies drill oil out of the ground and send via a big long pipe to boats and away from here. Which is why despite the fact that we have oil, our fuel prices are among the highest in the nation. But we've still got nothing on other countries, except maybe in the villages. Anyway, no refinery=petroleum goes away and then comes back. My new job has some of these big companies as clients and I'm going to go visit a remote drilling pad. I like the idea of being flame retardant in this situation. It sure beats being flammable.....
Thank you for the updates! :-)
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