I have a rule about my birfday and it goes something like this: it's MY birthday and I'll do as I please thank you very much, and it does not involve going to work. This year it did involve going for a hike for thesis research purposes. I went to see if a glacier on my list for research this summer was still in existence. I found out there was a trail up a ridge that would put me in direct view of it across the valley and I went to get something done. Of course I also thought I would go for a bike ride and paddle my boat, but by the time I got home from this I was tired of being really wet. So I changed my plans. Because I'm allowed to. Because it's my day to do with as I please.

It was quite a little jaunt up the hill and we were all happy to stop for a photo shoot. Everyone had their tongues hanging out. When we popped out on the ridge above treeline both Percy and I staggered a couple steps from the wind blast. Percy wasn't sure if there was more uphill to come or if we were calling it quits. Since we couldn't see across the valley to the potential glacier location and we were soaked through we decided to go home and get some cocoa and spend some quality time with our yarn, cats, and books.

And this is for my sister. Remember how growing up you were always so mad because my birfday was in the summer and I always got fun summer presents like wading pools and buckets for playing in the sand and you got sweaters because your's is in the fall? Well guess what. I have no need for a wading pool or swim suit in this weather. But a sweater would have been just dandy. Instead I got a glacier travel rope, ice screws, and a bike computer. Perfectly acceptable.
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