I never actually got to it. I was pre-empted by....... a dog leash. Where once there was one bone, I now nearly have two. That's right, I'm not trying to wish you long and prosperous lives here.

The x-rays are so impressive. Weirdest part is that I could bend my finger, albeit at an angle, so I knew the joint was okay. Also, no titanium ring to worry about. Small miracles?

I was a good girl so I got a sucker. It was a tootsie roll pop. Doesn't quite make up for not being able to do much of anything for at least 6 weeks, but I enjoyed it's gooey center.
What happened?
taking over dana's job as family klutz?
Last winter she went for a run and hit her ankle bone on a rock to crack the foot then stepped into the edge of a pond that wasn't COMPLETELY frozen over and went through tearing the same ankle open in 3 places....
Please take better care of our Mo?
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