Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sunset Hurry

Always in a hurry, but never too much to slow down for this scene.  I was home briefly between work and dog group board meeting last night.  Rather than change clothes I spent my few minutes with my partners in crime, watching the sky change colors....and eating ice cream for dinner.  Just the humans, not the furry partners.  Though I'm sure they would have preferred it differently.  Most evenings the highlight is walking together on the trails by the house.  Lately this has been with studded muck boots on our feet.  Whenever I have something else going on and I don't get to partake in this ritual I miss it.  Like I forgot to put on underwear before I left the house or something.  Or like I wore my work clothes to a dog meeting.  A little off.  It reminds me why we have rituals - putting the keys and phone in the same place every night - so when life gets crazy there is an element of default that takes over.

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