Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Costume revealed

I refuse to reduce myself to talking about politics; there's plenty of that at the office and at home. So instead, let's talk about my Halloween costume. A kind soul sent me a picture so I could share with you.

TA DAH!! Look, it's a forest fairy. How cute! Nice wings.....

I never dressed up as a princess or a fairy or anything froofy as a child. This seemed like the perfect time to rectify that. What you can't appreciate in this picture is that I'm wearing four inch heels. Now don't be too hasty to judge, this is a height of heels I can manage well and these shoes are normally very comfortable. I've just never worn them for eight hours straight. While walking the equivalent of several miles. On a hard floor. While carying large beers. Sideways between chairs. It took me two days to be able to walk like a human again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I love your wings! I can't imagine8 hours in any kind of heals though.
