Friday, January 14, 2011

Lucky Girl

I started the week feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. Probably because I got to ride my bike to work, which meant that it was above 0 degrees and I had a job to ride to. I never get over being amused that I have studs on my bike but not on my truck. Not that the truck has left the driveway in a month. But I do have a place to tow her to, hopefully this weekend, where I can start the super fun repair/exploration process since I determined that the new truck I want does not exist in this state and I can't afford a payment anyways. So I intend to stay well aquainted with my blue beauty and to that end have procured supplies for and cut out handlebar toasties to sew up this weekend. They are blue. I know, I'm a dork. But I'm a happy, healthy, employed dork.

Stay tuned for adventures of dogs riding chairlifts, humans skiing down slopes and down trails, thesis research, ice worm counting, and whatever else KAES and I come up with this weekend. Probably knitting if the weather gets any colder.

1 comment:

J-Bomb said...

Oh yes. If there is one thing I have learned in life, it's that it can always be worse. Here's to being healthy and employed...and awesome.