Monday, January 10, 2011

More Snow Please

I know that looks like a beautiful peak to many of you. But it's missing some snow and I would like to have it here now please. Niwt and I hit the slopes on Sunday. It wasn't a ton of fun with no new snow in so long, but it was a good workout and I had a great time skiing without a dog between my legs.

Pardon my helmet head while I pause to ponder the beauty of the shinning orb in the sky. We haven't seen much sun around here lately. It's amazing what you don't realize this does to you until you actually see the sun again.

Niwt skies old style - without a helmet - because he thinks he is that good. Imagine how hard I'm going to laugh after he wrecks. After the doctors declare him okay of course.....


Unknown said...

When did you start skiing with a helmet? You didn't ski with one in SLC, last year.

MJ said...

Yeah I know exactly what you mean about that big orb glowing in the sky! Love seeing the sun when we have it down here too. We got 6"s of new snow that is now a slush mess here at the Canal. Good pics and glad you had fun.

mo said...

Only when I ski with Niwt. Last year in SLC I skied with you. No fear of death when skiing with you or alone.