I was such a good girl last weekend. At least on Saturday. I spent the whole day inside, cleaning and studying. So when Niwt called on his way back from skiing at the resort all afternoon I jumped at the chance to get out of the house and onto my skis. Partly because I got a new jacket when I won a contract a few weeks ago at work and partly because it had nothing to do with testing or training Tatonka which has been the focus of our days a lot recently.

So I changed clothes and threw my gear into the truck with the dogs when he pulled into the driveway. We got up to the Flattop parking lot just as darkness was really descending. We didn't even skin up, just boot packed up the trail, kicking the ball for the dogs along the way.

Unfortunately, even with headlamps we didn't go far. The snow was crunchy under a layer of ice and the moon was hidden by a thick cloud bank. So we stuck with a short run back down the trail. Sunday Tatonka and I hit the flat trails by the house for some skijoring. Followed on Monday by his second avalanche test in which he exceeded my wildest expectations. Of course it was an endurance test and he has no challenges there. We're looking forward to 5 days at the resort for an avalanche dog workshop starting tomorrow night. I guess he doesn't really know that yet, but the kennel appearing in the living room last night may have given him a clue.
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