Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Merry Kissmoose
Smokey got this handmade mastadon ivory sheefish hook from me, one of many gifts I picked up this summer in remote northern villages. His work gave him a nice fat bonus check and a raise, along with homemade fudge and a dinner at a fancy restaurant. Mine gave me a suitcase. Hmmmm...
Smokey gave me a new paddle jacket. We then went and made like Jesus and walked on water. We had a little help in that the lake was frozen and we had snowshoes on. The paddle jacket worked well for snowshoeing. Someday soon my boat will be fixed and I can idle my time away figuring out how to paddle in such cold weather. Or I could go snowboarding.
Percy and I took turns wearing the antlers. Tatonka could not behave long enough with them on to have his picture taken. I let Percy wear them while I was baking cookies. She shares well. What did you all do to celebrate?
PS: Today is my mom's birthday. Let's all call her and sing happy birthday. It's been a long year for her. I'm working the closing shift at the restaurant and I'm at least an hour behind you all, so I'll still be celebrating long after you all go to bed.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Fun with Avalanches
Luckily there was a need for a sled to be transported from the parking lot to a team near the team we were asigned to probe with. Looking at this some of you may be wondering at my word choice (luckily). Let me attempt to explain. Probe lines are not so time sensitive. It takes a while to get to this stage and they are most effective when done very methodically (so I've been told). Therefore, they move slowly. Recall the temperature? Ten below is cold for doing things slowly. Hauling your butt back down the hill and up again with a sled is a more desirable way to spend your time in that it keeps you warm. Luckily the other woman on my team knew this and volunteered us immediately when the need arose. Bless her equally warm soul! I pulled the sled up the hill and she pulled it down. After a team of 8 or so widened the trail. That's okay, I had more calories to burn anyway.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thanksgiving Fun
Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig
Monday, December 22, 2008
While my friends and family in Seattle and Portland have been raving/complaining about their ice encrusted winter wonderland, we have seen no new snow in town, that I recall, for weeks. Why are you stealing our snow? Also, it has been in the teens (if we are lucky) for our daily high for weeks. Do you want some of that to go with your snow? I didn't think so.
On the up side, I have a new installment in the continuing saga of Tucumcari the Wonder Truck (as in 'I wonder if she will be home for Christmas') ready for you. The short version goes like this: In the past 10 days the tow yard has managed to have a key made to replace the one I gave them that they lost. They then lost this new key. Then they had a new one made. She starts. She is stuck in reverse. They continue to make empty promises. I'm now waiting for them to move three vehicles that are blocking my exit from the larger yard they share with another tow company. I locked the doors since they are having an auction this week. I check to make sure she's still there everyday. One of the vehicles they need to move is one of their own tow trucks they wrecked last week. Be still my overwhelming confidence. Fill in the gaps with more of the same level of competence, like 'Bill has the key and he's at the yard, we think, but his cell phone is dead. We'll call you as soon as we know anything'. You can imagine I didn't hold my breath for that call, but rather chose to laugh my ass off upon hanging up from that statement. Let me know if anyone wants the long version.
Christmas parties have been attened this past week. The highlights include a nice dinner at a very fancy place with Smokey's co-workers and their wives. I successfully resisted all temptations to respond to political/environmental statements with my views since I was overwhelmingly outnumbered and didn't want to have to pay for my dinner. Smokey got a raise and a bonus. I maintain they are trying to bribe him to stay since they finally fired the other repair guy. My work party was also at an upscale locale with good food. I brought a bike pump for the gift exchange (Joe Blow brand) and delighted in it being the first gift unwrapped due to it's unusual shape. I reckon I took home the best gift there, a handmade (by a co-worker) stained glass comet in a wood frame. Picture later, if lucky. I also managed to snag the grand prize, $300 gift card to Alyeska, our local ski resort. Directly after that, during the big bosses talk, I had to depart to go to bar maid job. Yes, I am a big fat rat. And someday the Seattle airport will open again and my snowboard will get on a happy cargo plane and make it's way here.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Modified View of Cold
I forgot to bring those clothes with me and chose instead to ship them north. I believe they are getting on a plane today. Also, when I asked for the weekend off I forgot to specify that the Friday before the Saturday off I would like to not have a closing shift. Never mind that this is now my regular shift. It was the busiest Friday I have ever seen there. I got a short nap before my 1+ hour drive.
The weekend was good overall and I should have some pictures to share later. Like as soon as I can find that lady's card with her contact details on it.....
Wearing my warmest clothes with heat packs in my mittens and boots, I was cold standing around all day. Never have I wished more for the opportunity to dig a hold in the snow. In fact, I am very grateful to the lady who took some pictures as she kept us from freezing more on Sunday by volunteering us to go get a sled from the parking lot for a scenario. We kept warm all right and it sure beat working the probe line we had been sent there to do. I pulled the sled behind me while I snowshoed up a path not quite wide enough for the sled so we had to keep stoping so she could empty the snow out. She got to pull it downhill with the subject in it. But by then we had a group of 8 snowshoers to widen the path. It was still fun, but I'm really inspired to certify my dog and reduce my chances of pulling sleds.
I learned that my thermos rocks. It was exposed constantly yesterday to temps as high as +10 from 9am to 6pm and I had a cup of hot tea on the drive home.
Speaking of temperatures, have you ever gotten back to your rig after playing in the cold/snow and stayed cold until the rig gets warmed up at which point you start peeling off clothes and turning down the fan/temp for the rest of the drive? I experienced a new phenomenom this weekend. It involved the fan staying on high, the temp staying on high and all the warm clothes staying on, including the balaclava and mittens. The drive was over an hour and I never got hot. That might have had something to do with the -10 temp outside. Or maybe I'm just weak from having a desk job.
Friday, December 12, 2008
It Keeps Going
We arrive the next morning at the appointed time after Smokey gets permission to arrive late to work, only to find out they aren't really open. But the *highly intelligent mechanic* behind the desk takes down my phone number and will try to get a hold of the owner.
Smokey goes to work. I go home and sit by phone. At noon it rings. They are on their way to the yard and will have her out in an hour or so. JOY!! I believe them. I retrieve Smokey from work and arrive at the yard at the appointed time. No cars have been moved. There is one guy there. We wander around yard and joyously find her under a foot of snow near the back. We shovel snow off before canopy collapses. I crawl underneath and confirm breaks were done. I look under hood and am joyous at new battery. Maybe guy wasn't lying, just was criminal. She wants to start. The clutch peddal goes straight to the floor and takes my heart with it. I look under hood again. Slave cylindar is missing. Young tow guy (owner's son) says he has to move 8 vehicles to get her out. He says it would be easier if he had the key. I ignore the little voice and give him my only key. He says he won't lose it and that he will have her out today (Saturday). I believe him. He will work on it between calls. I take Smokey back to work. A few hours later I stop by the yard on my way to bar maid job. No one is there. It is locked up. Nothing has moved.
We drive by the yard on Sunday. Nothing has moved. I call the office on Monday. Dispatcher tells me they are working on it right now and will call me as soon as they are done. I do not believe her. Tuesday I hear nothing and do nothing. I call again on Wednesday near the end of the day and am asked to hold for a moment. Dispatcher tells me truck is out and when can I get there. I tell her 20 minutes and she says she will ask the driver to wait there. We reconfirm the price ($245) and that I will give it to the driver in cash. I rush over and get Smokey to leave work early and then we rush over to the yard.
The yard is open. The vehicles have been moved! There is no driver there. And where did they put Tucum? We call the dispatcher and are told the driver will be right back. We see Tucum at the front of the yard and go talk to her. Driver arrives and is paid. He does not have the key. he calls the office. They call the kid. He will look for it. We go to the office. No key. Kid arrives. No key. We go back to truck and look inside. No key. This takes 3 hours. We have eaten all the candy in their basket. They will find key or have one made. We have ice cream for dinner.
That was Wednesday. I'm hoping Tucumcari will be home for Christmas now. Perhaps I will have found parts by then. Probably studded tires for bike will arrive day before parts.
I'm thinking I will not ever let anyone touch her again. Not even for an oil change.
I'll tell you about my trip south as soon as this drama ends.
Tucumcari Gets Her Stripes
I checked in with the guy every day or so at first. They sold me the wrong parts. They needed to order the parts. They ordered the wrong parts. The battery died. There was a puddle of fluid under the truck. The brakes are done. The puddle is clutch fluid from the slave cylinder. There's a new battery now. I'm trying to find a part. I know a guy who's suppossed to get back to me today about a part. I can't find a part so I'm rebuilding the slave cylinder. As you can imagine, this became a weekly check in after Smokey returned.
And then I dissapeared for 9 days for WFR. 'I wondered what happened to you' he said, 'I've just got one little thing left I'm working on with the slave cylinder'. Followed up by 'my wife is really after me to get a job'. To which I reply 'that's okay, I'm riding my bike and it's been above 20 this week'. I hang up thinking to myself 'didn't he tell me he was going back to work at Schuck's? Hmph, I guess he changed his mind. Or maybe they were fully staffed and he had to abandon that idea.'
You know that little voice? I wish I had a dollar for every time it was right. Because then I could retire in luxury. When is an autoparts store fully staffed? Never.
And then I went south for Thanksgiving. Upon my return I called said guy, and was met with 'I've been trying to call you'. To which I reply, 'Oh, my phone got unplugged while I was gone (by the dogs) and I know it just rings and doesn't go to voicemail when that happens. But I'm back now. How's the truck doing?' Quiet pause. 'What do you mean, didn't you come and get it?' Quiet panic sets in. 'Uh, no.' Is met with 'Oh f#$@!!! Oh no, I'll call you right back.' I sit and stare at my computer screen. This. Is. Not. Happening. Receptionist notifies me I have a call on line 4. 'Okay, I found your truck. It's at Alyeska towing, but they won't tell me anything because I'm not the registered owner. Here's their number, call them and then call me right back.'
The tow company needs the liscense plate because it's how they file their invoices. Who amoung you has your plate memorized? Luckily I found I had the above picture saved to my work computer from before my camera was stolen and I could call her back and tell her the plate number. Wait, wait, waiting. Call tow company again. Looking for the invoice. Find address on web and leave work early. Still can't find invoice, but now I know why. To say their filing system is 'special' is putting it mildly. I eat several pieces of holiday candy from basket and wait. Dispatcher talks to the driver who did the tow. From Schuck's. About two weeks ago. Their records say an employee was fired when he was arrested and they need his truck towed. This. Is. Not. Happening. Their yard is closed and you can't see through the fence, so I can't confirm it's my truck. And they can't find the invoice. One owner arrives and hears my story. They agreee to give me my truck for the price of the tow, in cash. I ask what time they open the next day and agree to arrive with second driver, tow strap, and cash.
I calmly inform Smokey I will be along shortly to pick him up from work; as soon as I'm done at the tow yard. No, I didn't get your truck towed. Tucumcari is in jail.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Back in Black .......and Purple
I'll post about the trip south and back later. After copious amounts of sleep are accumulated. Which won't be for a day or so as I'm pretty sure I have to close at the bar tonight. Sorry, I just can't bring myself to not show up for shifts I'm already scheduled for. Perhaps I can buy a coffee with my few sheckles. Or maybe I'll just continue to collect fodder for a book. And there's always the off chance that I would take home enough money to buy a new camera. Hey, I can dream.
BTW, I thought you all might be amused to know that my boss spells my name wrong. Outlook has failed in it's attempt to prevent the bad spellers of the world from untieing.