Looking back at this weekend I can't believe I thought this was cold. Well, maybe I can, but only because I spent most of Saturday watching demonstrations and shivering myself warm. Nothing like spending the day outside in 10 below to make you appreciate how quickly things can go bad here. Sunday was a day for scenarios and snowshoeing (unless you had skis). My team was dispatched to be a probe line crew.

Luckily there was a need for a sled to be transported from the parking lot to a team near the team we were asigned to probe with. Looking at this some of you may be wondering at my word choice (luckily). Let me attempt to explain. Probe lines are not so time sensitive. It takes a while to get to this stage and they are most effective when done very methodically (so I've been told). Therefore, they move slowly. Recall the temperature? Ten below is cold for doing things slowly. Hauling your butt back down the hill and up again with a sled is a more desirable way to spend your time in that it keeps you warm. Luckily the other woman on my team knew this and volunteered us immediately when the need arose. Bless her equally warm soul! I pulled the sled up the hill and she pulled it down. After a team of 8 or so widened the trail. That's okay, I had more calories to burn anyway.
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