Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Merry Kissmoose

Okay, so she's not a moose, but Percy is one of the bestest Christmas presents ever. Smokey and I each had a few gifts to unwrap each, but the box from Mom is yet to arrive. Come to think of it, I haven't checked the mail in a few days......

Smokey got this handmade mastadon ivory sheefish hook from me, one of many gifts I picked up this summer in remote northern villages. His work gave him a nice fat bonus check and a raise, along with homemade fudge and a dinner at a fancy restaurant. Mine gave me a suitcase. Hmmmm...

Smokey gave me a new paddle jacket. We then went and made like Jesus and walked on water. We had a little help in that the lake was frozen and we had snowshoes on. The paddle jacket worked well for snowshoeing. Someday soon my boat will be fixed and I can idle my time away figuring out how to paddle in such cold weather. Or I could go snowboarding.

Percy and I took turns wearing the antlers. Tatonka could not behave long enough with them on to have his picture taken. I let Percy wear them while I was baking cookies. She shares well. What did you all do to celebrate?

PS: Today is my mom's birthday. Let's all call her and sing happy birthday. It's been a long year for her. I'm working the closing shift at the restaurant and I'm at least an hour behind you all, so I'll still be celebrating long after you all go to bed.

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