Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Remote Villages

As you may know, I spent many weeks this summer in remote Alaskan villages. This entailed flying into Kotzebue (go look that up on the map) and then on to Selawik and Kivalina.

This is the area around Selawik. If you were good and went and looked at a map, this view will likely not surprise you. The whole area is flat and surrounded by water. Water, water everywhere, but some of these villages don't have any in their houses.

This is Kivalina. The arch is made of bones.....from what animal? Anyone?

Back in Selawik. The town has two bridges; one to the airport and one to the main part of town. My jobsite was on the island inbetween. The utilities run across the top of the bridge because the plant is on the island. There are no vehicles here, just ATVs.

Shock, gasp!! Are those wind turbines? Why yes, they are. Alas, the switch to turn them on and allow them to generate local electricity is in......Anchorage.

This lovely silver box was the bane of my exisitence in Selawik. It is the utilidor (ours is usually underground, but you can't do that in permafrost) and it was between us and the river (aka the highway) that the barge delivered all our supplies and equipment to.

Ah Kotzebue. Where else can you see such an impracticle boat parked next to the road? Kotzebue, where all the restaurants are run by Koreans.

Back in Kivalina Lagoon, we watched the locals tow a dead whale out into the sound. I decided maybe most of you would not actually want to see this, so I refrained from posting my pictures of that. Everyone who is anyone has a motorboat, ATV, and snow-go.

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