Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Year+ in Review

I recently visited a friend in Portland and during the visit was able to pull out my camera and show a few pictures of what I had been up to for the past year+. She was very excited at getting to see what all I had done so I thought it might be nice to get everyone caught up. This might take me a few days/posts, so please stay tuned.

First, the island...

this is just one of many gorgeous views encountered regularly. Usually it wasn't this sunny. In fact, it rained almost every day. On a day like this I would go kayaking at the expense of all else.

This did not make Tatonka happy. Eventually he took to jumping in and swimming after me and had to be restrained inside. Don't let him lie to you, he jumped off the dock in pursuit of a multitude of toys, some of which floated.

Despite what you see here, the island wasn't just all about beautiful views and stopping everything on a sunny day.

It was also all about wildlife viewing. There are a ridicuous number of bald eagles that live on the island and eat salmon. Lots of salmon, but they don't photograph so well, so you get to see a tree of eagles instead and imagine the salmon.

There was also lots of waterfowl and I learned to identify a few of them. Don't ask me what these are those, because I can't remember.

Also, black bears. Lots of black bears. This one is fishing. So is his friend in the bushes. I am standing on the bridge and not using a zoom lens. He is not very far away.

After the bears started fishing, Tatonka got a lot less riverside fetch time. This did not make him happy, but he gladly accepted fetch off the dock as a substitute.

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