Friday, October 24, 2008

Working proof AKA my father's daughter

Proof that sometimes we never grow up. I think I spent more time playing in the mud and climbing trees than anything else as a child.

Here I'm tying to chip a soil sample out of the frozen ground. First you have to scrape the surface. Then you use a rock hammer to chip a chunk of frozen soil out of the ground. Then you put it in a baggie and wait for it to melt so you can test it.

Seriously? What is this shinning orb in the sky? I don't remember how to walk without my raingear on!

I'm a scientist, see me dutifully taking notes and drawing a sketch of the site? No, really, that's what I'm doing.

This summer I went to camp......and played in mud and learned to drive a mini excavator, and got a sunglasses tan on the two sunny days I saw.

See, I told you it was mini.

Wow, that's a muddy hole.

"Please Herb, don't bash my head in. I promise I'll let you label the bags next time."

See how much I like mud? I like it so much I've grown a shovel handle out of the back of my head.

Super secret scientific stuff.....

I am so small compared to the not-so-mini excavator.

Under the boardwalk......

Herb and I are contemplating the universe on the boardwalk in front of the village store. There are no roads in this village, just boardwalks for ATVs to roar around on.

Who doesn't like to crawl around under proped up buildings and stick pin flags in the ground?

Latest fashion in summer garb; hardhat and plastic bag extra.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

The Ken is jealous of your adventures. He only WISHES he were paid to use heavy machinery.